Cha Cha Cha Cha Changes

So, only a little over two weeks in and I've decided that tutorial making isn't for me. I sort of enjoyed making them, but planning, recording, editing, etc. takes a long time. Plus, I wasn't completely happy with the product I was putting out.

Now that I've covered why I'm changing, we need to discuss what I am changing to.

Starting the other day, I decided to take up learning C++ and video game development. I've previously learned HTML and CSS, and I've dabbled in the incredibly boring and monotonous Visual Basic, so I'm going into C++ with previous programming experience.

From here on out, I'll be writing a daily blog about my adventures with video game design. As part of this shakeup, I'll be deleting my old posts (whenever I get around to it) and more importantly, changing my blog name. I'm not sure what to change my blog name to, so I'm letting the commenters on this blog to pick. 

So there you have it. A new blog style, a new blog name, a new blogger (as in person who blogs, not the name of this service). I hope the fans of my tutorial videos stick around and follow me through my game development adventures.

Thanks for reading.


baka1236 said...

can't wait for the game dev posts m8. it'll really get me psyched for next year and help me out too

paulz said...

great write up will be watching eagerly.

Whitelight said...

I need to learn c++

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