Adventures in Game Development -- Day 2

To start day 2, I read up on some more of the basic C++ topics. I didn't get too far into reviewing the topics though before getting bored. I decided to take a break from basic C++ and move over to using SDL.

I attempted to install SDL with Dev-C++ using this guide at LazyMonkey. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned and I kept getting an error. Thinking it was just Dev-C++, I moved over to Visual Studio 2010 and attempted to install SDL there. Once again though, I failed. Finally I went out on a limb and tried using SDL with Eclipse. The guide at LazyMonkey shows how to install SDL with Eclipse, but the guide is outdated and the location of some settings have changed.

So to summarize the above paragraph, I'm a colossal failure.

Frustrated, I decided to go back to learning C++. I spent the rest of my day switching between learning C++, and trying to install the Allegro API. Much like SDL, I failed multiple times trying to get Allegro working.
Hopefully tomorrow I can get SDL or Allegro working so that I can begin working on games. But for now, I'm going to continue learning C++.


ClassicPhil said...

Stick with it man

Miyamoto Karyuu said...

Alright, i dunno anything about C++ but i wish u good luck with that :3 keep it up

ryelz said...

Good luck buddy

Rumiko said...

Aaw shame about the failures man, just google a bit around for possible explanations to why, and make sure you don't try it all at once. It'll just make you grow sick of it. Cheers.

Triper said...

I wish you luck with this!

Xenototh said...

Good to hear you programming types still have the problems that we normal folks have as well. Is there any type of removal tool that you could use to completely clean SDL from the system to try a clean install?

Jesse Crows said...

ahaha youre not a failure good luck with this!

Shouden said...

Good luck man.

NuyoricanGuy said...

you can do anything you put your heart to!

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